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This page is a a summary of the [http://www.swrcb.ca.gov/rwqcb3/ Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Coast Region] report on Total Maximum Daily Load for chlorpyrifos and diazinon for the [[Lower Salinas River Watershed]], Monterey County, California (Rose et al. 2011)<ref name="RWQCB_report">Rose C, Harlan L, Osmolovsky P. 2011. Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Coast Region. Available from:[http://www.swrcb.ca.gov/centralcoast/water_issues/programs/tmdl/docs/salinas/pesticide/sal_op_tmdl_projrpt_pubrev_jan2011.pdf Total Maximum Daily Loads for Chlorpyrifos and Diazinon in Lower Salinas River Watershed in Monterey County, California]</ref>. The summary was prepared by the Spring '11 [http://sep.csumb.edu/wiki/index.php/ENVS_560/L_Watershed_Systems ENVS 560/L Watershed Systems] class at [http://csumb.edu CSUMB].
#Redirect [[TMDL for Chlorpyrifos and Diazinon in Lower Salinas River Watershed, Monterey County, California]]
== Project Definition ==
[[Image:TMDL Project Area.png|200px|thumb|right|Location of TMDL Project Area. Available from:http://www.swrcb.ca.gov/centralcoast/water_issues/programs/tmdl/docs/salinas/pesticide/sal_op_tmdl_projrpt_pubrev_jan2011]]The Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) plan for the pesticides, chlorpyrifos and diazinon, for the Lower Salinas River Watershed in Monterey County, California was created by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board for the Central Coast Region (CCRWQCB)and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).  The TMDL Report evaluates: current concentrations of both pesticides in the watershed, contaminated sites, responsible parties, contaminant reduction, implementation actions, and monitoring requirements. The final [http://www.swrcb.ca.gov/centralcoast/water_issues/programs/tmdl/docs/salinas/pesticide/sal_op_tmdl_projrpt_pubrev_jan2011.pdf TMDL report]was created in January 2011, and discussed in the final report hearing on May 5th, 2011.
The TMDL report addresses the impairment of approximately 195,000 acres within the Lower Salinas River in northern Monterey County by two registered organophosphate pesticides, Chlorpyrifos and Diazinon. In 2001 the EPA mandated the cancellation and restriction of chlorpyrifos and diazinon, until reassessments could ensured that safety requirements were being met <ref name="RWQCB_report"/>. The phase out of chlorpyrifos and diazinon were expected to reduce the concentrations of these pesticides in the following impaired water bodies:
{| border="3"
!style="background: #efefef;" | Water Body
!style="background: #efefef;" | Chlorpyrifos
!style="background: #efefef;" | Diazinon
!style="background: #efefef;" | Unknown Toxicity
|'''Moss Landing Harbor'''
|'''Old Salinas River Estuary'''
|'''Old Salinas River'''
|'''Salinas River Lagoon (North)'''
|'''Tembladero Slough'''
|'''Alisal Slough'''
|'''Blanco Drain'''
|'''Salinas Reclamation Canal'''
|'''Salinas River'''
|'''Espinosa Slough'''
|'''Espinosa Lake'''
|'''Natividad Creek'''
|'''Quail Creek'''
|'''Chualar Creek'''
The water bodies of the Lower Salinas watershed are used for a variety of purposes including, but not limited to: groundwater recharge, wildlife habitat, industrial and agricultural supply, commercial and recreational fishing, and other recreational activities.  When a water body fails to meet the minimum quality standards required for its beneficial uses (assigned purposes), a TMDL is established.
== Watershed Description ==
The project area consists of the Salinas River valley floor north of Gonzalez, out to the dunes along the Monterey Bay. The TMDL study is defined by the lower 400 square miles of the Lower Salinas Valley and includes two major drainage ways leading to Moss Landing Harbor and Salinas River Lagoon (North).
Surface water sources include precipitation, releases from reservoirs, groundwater, and return flows from agricultural irrigation.  Mean annual precipitation in the project area ranges from approximately 13 to 16 inches per year with the majority of precipitation occurring between November and April.
Land use in the project area includes intensive agriculture as well as the urban centers of Salinas, Castroville and Prunedale.
The project area is characterized by both ephemeral and perennial stream reaches, as the [[The Lower Salinas Watershed| Lower Salinas River]] runs dry during the summer months, and in comparison the lower [[The Gabilan / Reclamation Ditch Watershed| Reclamation Ditch]] flows year-round.
==Problem Statement==
Within the Lower Salinas River Watershed fifteen waterbodies are impaired as a result of pesticides (chlorpyrifos or diazinon) or unknown toxic contamination.  Of the fifteen bodies, eleven are listed as impaired according to the Clean Water Act 303(d) list. [[Beneficial uses]] (BUs) affected by high concentrations of chlorpyrifos and/or diazinon are as follows:
* cold freshwater habitat,
* warm freshwater habitat,
* estuarine habitat,
* wildlife habitat,
* rare, threatened, or endangered species,
* migration of aquatic organisms, and
* spawning, reproduction, and/or early development.
==Data Analysis==
The Salinas watershed was found to be impaired due to elevated concentrations of Fecal Indicator Bacteria (FIB).  FIB indicate the general presence of fecal coliform and Escherichia coli (E. coli) O157:H7 bacteria, and are monitored because specific human pathogens are difficult and expensive to measure.  There is some scientific uncertainty about the accuracy of FIB as a gauge for pathogen risk, but monitoring FIB is currently the most  cost efficient and effective method.
The presence of FIB were determined through water sample analysis using various methodologies including The Multiple Tube Fermentation (MTF) method and the Colilert method, the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), culture, and Pathatrix methods.  The combination of these various methods indicated the magnitude of the pathogen problem and the potential presence of other fecal pathogens. Analysis of the results from these various methods, indicated the presence of a pathogen problem, consistent with the listing of the [[The Lower Salinas Watershed]] as "impaired." 
Spatial data were used to estimate the impact of various land uses on waterbodies.  Spatial data analyzed included streams, watershed boundaries, roads, land use and elevation. FIB concentration and presence data were also analyzed temporally, with respect to the dry and wet seasons. USGS flow data were incorporated into the study to estimate current load and assimilative capacity, and to derive daily load expressions.
E. coli rain event data were collected from thirteen sites after two separate rain events, neither of which were first flush rain events.  It was found that the median E.coli density was significantly higher during rain events (2,685 MPN/100mL) than non rain events (224 MPN/100mL). There were multiple identifications of E. coli O157:H7, mostly at the confluence of Gabilan Creek and Towne Creek in the northern part of the study area. E. coli O157:H7 identification coincided with pasture and shrubland areas with generally large amounts of ranch land and animal activity.   
Other assessed waterbodies for which data did not indicate impairment, or for which data were insufficient were:
*Blanco Drain- not impaired
*El Toro Creek- insufficient data
*Alisal Slough- insufficient data
==Numeric Target==
Numeric targets for FIB are established in the [[Basin Plan]] based on the designated beneficial uses of a given water body.  In the impaired waterbodies of the Lower Salinas watershed, the numeric targets of FIB for Water Contact Recreation, Non-Contact Recreation, and Shellfish Harvesting were noted as being exceeded. As shellfish harvesting is likely to be eliminated as a beneficial use, the numeric target adopted by the TMDL is the water quality standard for Water Contact Recreation (which is the next most protective beneficial use).
The goal is for all water bodies in the TMDL area to meet this numeric target:
* The total coliform concentration for a minimum of five samples in any 30 day period should not exceed a log mean (i.e. geometric mean) of 200 per 100 ml, or 400 per 100 ml for 10% of total samples in any 30 day period.
{| border="3"
!style="background: #efefef;" | Compound
!style="background: #efefef;" | CMC (ppb)
!style="background: #efefef;" | CCC (ppb)
==Linkage Analysis==
Linkage Analysis is intended to link the numeric target concentration (amount per volume) to a daily load (amount per day) for the watershed.  The [[CCRWQCB]] examined data regarding use of both chlorpyrifos and diazinon in the lower Salinas River watershed.  They concluded that the primary source for both chlorpyrifos and diazinon were agricultural lands.  '''No explicit linkage analysis was given in the TMDL report because the [[CCRWQCB]] expressed the intent to implement the TMDL based on a target '''concentration''' of fecal coliform rather than a '''load'''.  However, under the 'TMDL Development' section of the TMDL report, methods are described to link target concentrations to loading capacity.'''
== TMDL Development ==
The official TMDL objective is expressed as a numeric target '''concentration''' that applies to all impaired waterbodies in the lower Salinas River watershed.  In the TMDL report, the target concentration is also converted to maximum allowable '''loads''' (MPN/per day) for each individual waterbody as mandated by [http://www.ll.georgetown.edu/federal/judicial/dc/opinions/05opinions/05-5015a.pdf Friends of the Earth, Inc. v. EPA, et al.]. 
The maximum allowable loads for fecal coliform are based on a three-tiered flow regime, wherein each water body has different allowable loads established for high (top 5%), moderate (middle 25%), and low (bottom 60%) flows.  For ungaged streams, flow was estimated from measurements on comparable streams and adjusted based on the Drainage Area Ratio (DAR). Allowable loads were calculated by multiplying the average flow within each flow regime (low, moderate, or high) by the target concentration [volume/time * mass/volume = mass/time] and then compared to existing loads derived from field data.
For example, at Gabilan Creek, during an average high flow event of 26 cfs, the Total Maximum Daily Load of FIB that can be absorbed without exceeding the target concentration is <math> 2.8 \times 10^{11} </math> (orgs/day). This goal represents an 89% reduction from the current estimated load of <math>2.62 \times 10^{12}</math> (orgs/day).
==Margin of Safety==
TMDLs are required to include a margin of safety that accounts for uncertainty in the linkage between loading capacity of the watershed and pollutant concentration in the receiving water body.  In the case of fecal coliform, the goal specified in the TMDL report is for all controllable water sources to meet the target concentration.  As a load-based approach was not adopted in the TMDL, no margin of safety was given.
==Critical Conditions and Seasonal Variation==
The TMDL report does not identify any "critical" environmental factors, in which a slight change could lead to exceedence of water quality objectives.  However, it was noted that pollutant concentration is dependent on flow volume, which is often irregular in Monterey County.  Also, localized areas of stagnant water with fine sediments foster bacterial growth and may increase concentrations of Fecal Indicator Bacteria.
==TMDL Allocations==
In TMDL documents, 'Wasteload' and 'Load Allocations' are the maximum load of a pollutant that each point-source discharger is allowed to release. In the Chlorpyrifos and Diazinon TMDLs for the Lower Salinas River Watershed allocations and maximum loads apply to owners and operators of irrigated agricultural lands who have discharges from their lands.  Dischargers into an impaired waterbody may not release more diazinon (0.16 ppb) or chlorpyrifos (0.025 ppb) than the Criterion Maximum Concentration (CMC), an allowable concentration that does not exceed one hour. The Criterion Continuous Concentration (CCC) states that over a four hour diazinon and chlorpyrifos concentrations cannot exceed 0.10 ppb and 0.016 ppb, respectively.  Where diazinon and chlorpyrifos are both discharged there is also an additive restriction such that the sum from the following equation must not exceed 1.0:
where Cd is the concentration of diazinon in a waterbody, LCd is the CCC or CMC of diazinon, Cc is the concentration of chlorpyrifos in a waterbody, and LCc is the CCC or CMC of chlorpyrifos.
==Public Participation==
In an effort to include the public in the development of TMDLs, the Central Coast Water Board (CCWB) solicited public participation in a 45-day public comment period preceding the Central Coast Water Board hearing. Public notice of the hearing was mailed to interested persons and to applicable government agencies, and were available on CCWB website.
A series of meetings were conducted to form the current final report for the the Chlorpyrifos and Diazinon TMDL and included the following stakeholders:
* [[Monterey County Water Resources Agency]]
* [http://www.rcdmonterey.org/ Monterey County Resource Conservation District]
* [http://www.montereycountyfarmbureau.org/ Monterey County Farm Bureau]
* [http://ag.co.monterey.ca.us/ Monterey County Agricultural Commissioner's Office]
* [http://www.ccwqp.org/ Central Coast Water Quality Preservation, Inc.]
* [[Elkhorn Slough Foundation]]
* [[Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve (ESNERR)]]
* [http://www.ci.salinas.ca.us/ City of Salinas]
* [http://www.agwaterquality.org/ Central Coast Agricultural Water Quality Coalition]
* Commercial Farms
* Commercial Ranches
A series of stakeholder meetings were conducted to form the current final TMDL report with stakeholder input.  Resolution (No. R3-2011-0005)
== Implementation and Monitoring ==
The Chlorpyrifos and Diazinon TMDLs are being implemented through the agricultural order titled: [[Conditional waiver of waste discharge requirements for irrigated lands]].  The requirements of implementation are described in the agricultural order.  Suggestions for implementation, monitoring, and tracking TMDL progress is given in the TMDL report written for the Central Coast California Regional Water Quality Control Board (Rose et al. 2011)<ref name="RWQCB_report"/>.
=== Implementation ===
* '''Implementation Actions:'''  The TMDL is implemented through the Ag Wavier program.  Participants in the program are required to meet the stated reductions of Chlorpyrifos and Diazinon in discharged waters.  The TMDL does not state that dischargers of Chlorpyrifos and Diazinon are required to participate in the Ag waiver program.  The 2004, and 2011 draft of the Ag waiver report include TMDL implementation.  The report states that all dischargers must comply with applicable TMDLs and meet the requirements within the given compliance date.
The TMDL document provides some suggestions for implementation.  The suggested implementation actions are:
* Holding runoff for 72 hours after pesticides are applied.
* Using technology that degrades the chemicals before allowing waters to runoff  into the environment
* Use of drip irrigation to limit runoff
* Improvement of application methods to eliminate spills
* Use of treatment enzymes to break down the pesticides
* Use rotation crop methods to reduce the need for pesticides
* '''Evaluation of Implementation Progress:''' The agricultural order is the regulatory tool used by the water board to enforce and evaluate the implementation of this TMDL.  The order states that if the discharger does not meet the timeline provided in the TMDL, enforcement actions will be made by the regional water board.  Compliance with TMDL requirements is assessed by regional board staff, through inspections and monitoring.
=== Monitoring ===
These TMDLs are implemented, monitored, and enforced through the Conditional Waiver of Waste Discharge Requirements for Discharges from Irrigated Lands (Ag Waiver).(reference)  Participants in current or future versions of the Ag Waiver are required to either perform individual water quality monitoring or participate in cooperative water quality monitoring (e.g. The Cooperative Monitoring Program managed by Central Coast Water Quality Preservation Inc.). Land owners must also complete annual implementation and management progress reports RWQCB.  These TMDLs rely on the Region 3 RWQCB  to implement and enforce monitoring of this TMDL. (reference) To reach RWQCB objectives, the new monitoring and reporting strategies are proposed to be included in the next version of Ag waiver to assess progress towards reaching Cholpyrifos and Diazinon TMDL limits. (ref -Final report)
'''Recommended Monitoring Strategy '''
The following recommendations have been made by Cal EPA and Region 3 RWQCB for monitoring and reporting strategy in the next Ag Waiver.
Monitoring and reporting for Chlorpyrifos and Diazinon should (reference):
*Span a variety of flow regimes, with sampling occuring four times per water year; twice between May 15th and October 15th, and twice between Oct 15th and March 15, aproximately. One of these sampling events between October 15 and March 15th should include a 7-day continuous sampling event during and/or following a storm event.
*Encourage high-resolution source analysis near farming operations using chlorpyrifos or diazinon that discharge to waterbodies impaired by chlorpyrifos, or diazinon, or toxicity
*Use laboratory and analytical methods that enable data comparison with numeric targets
*Include toxicity identification evaluation (TIE) for waterbodies listed as impaired for toxicity, or unknown toxicity. Implementing suggested monitoring and reporting requirements if TIEs help determine chlorpyrifos or diazinon are contributing to toxicity in a waterbody.
*Be located in the lower portions of the watershed, whenever feasible, giving preference to previously established monitoring sites to facilitate trend detection.
'''Proposed Impaired Waterbody Monitoring Sites'''
*Moss Landing Harbor: MOS-SAN
*Old Salinas River Estuary: MOS-SAN
*Old Salinas River: 309OLD
*Salinas River Lagoon (North): 309SBR
*Tembladero Slough: 309TEH
*Alisal Slough: 309SSB
*Blanco Drain: 309BLA
*Salinas Reclamation Canal (upper): 309ALG
*Salinas Reclamation Canal (lower): 309JON
*Salinas River: 309SSP
*Espinosa Slough: 309ESP
*Espinosa Lake: EPL-EPL
*Natividad Creek: 309NAD
*Quail Creek: 309QUA
*Chular Creek: 309CRR
{| border="3"
!style="background: #efefef;" | Impaired Waterbody
!style="background: #efefef;" | Proposed Monitoring Site
|Tembladero Slough
|Alisal Slough
|Blanco Drain
|Salinas Reclamation Canal (Upper)
|Salinas Reclamation Canal (Lower)
|Salinas River
|Espinosa Slough
|Espinosa Lake
|Natividad Creek
|Quail Creek
|Chular Creek
== References ==
== Links ==
* [[TMDLs in the Monterey Bay Region of California]]
* [http://www.ccamp.org/ Central Coast Ambient Monitoring Program]
* [http://ccows.csumb.edu/home/ Central Coast Watershed Studies Team]
== Disclaimer ==
This page may contain student work completed as part of assigned coursework. It may not be accurate. It does not necessary reflect the opinion or policy of [[CSUMB]], its staff, or students.

Latest revision as of 11:23, 10 April 2012