CalAm Use of Carmel River Groundwater Basin

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A watershed-related issue examined by the ENVS 560/L Watershed Systems class at CSUMB.


...a few sentences...


...Name the smallest watershed (or other applicable region) within which the issue occurs...

Resource/s at stake

...What environmental resource/s are at stake?...


...Who are the stakeholders in the watershed? e.g. agencies, non-profits, associations...

Laws, policies, & regulations

...What laws, policies, and/or regulations are involved?...


... What elements of the biophysical system are/were involved?...

MPWMD water production graph.png

Seventy five percent of the Monterey Peninsula's water supply is pumped from the Carmel River alluvial aquifer [1]. If there is not equivalent recharge to replenish the pumped water, the water table will decrease. Irrigation along the channel of the Carmel river currently mitigates vegetation mortality and bank erosion caused by a depressed water table [2].


...What scientific studies are or would be relevant / already completed?...


...What analytical (e.g. modeling) tools were or could be used?...

Future research

...What knowledge gaps remain?...

...Suggest a CWSP MS thesis topic that could contribute to the issue...

...Suggest a topic for a hypothetical study that had unlimited resources...



This page may contain student work completed as part of assigned coursework. It may not be accurate. It does not necessary reflect the opinion or policy of CSUMB, its staff, or students.