CalAm Use of Carmel River Groundwater Basin

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NOTE to rest of group from David

Use this format for references it will make life MUCH easier for us

 <ref>RefName RefLink </ref>

For example if I am going to be using a paper called awesome paper at and reference it more than once I would write this for the first reference is...

<ref name="Awesome"> Awesome Paper </ref>

The reference will pop up automatically in the reference section.

Notice how I added a name="whatever" in the first reference tag, this makes it easier for me to cite this same reference again

So now anytime I want to use that reference again all I have to write is...

<ref name="Awesome"/>

and it will refer the reader back to the same reference without adding it to the list again.

A watershed-related issue examined by the ENVS 560/L Watershed Systems class at CSUMB.


...a few sentences...


...Name the smallest watershed (or other applicable region) within which the issue occurs...

Resource/s at stake

...What environmental resource/s are at stake?...


...Who are the stakeholders in the watershed? e.g. agencies, non-profits, associations...

Laws, policies, & regulations [1]

Between 1987 and 1991 the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) received formal complaints from four stakeholder organizations within the Carmel Valley: the Carmel River Steelhead Association, the Sierra Club, the Residents Water Committee, and the California Department of Parks and Recreation. Complaints alleged that pumping of the Carmel River Aquifer by Cal-Am:

  • Caused observable recession of the Carmel River riparian zone
  • Was Destroying habitat for the then threatened post 1998 endangered Steelhead Salmon
  • Violated the public trust doctrine – stating that the harvesting of a public resource (Carmel River water) must not interfere with the ability of the public to utilize that resource.

In 1995 the SWRCB upheld the allegations of the Carmel River stakeholder groups, determining that Cal-Am had no legal right to 10,730 acre-feet of the 14,000 drafted annually and passed Order WR 95-10. This Cease and Desist order included a mitigation plan requiring that Cal-Am reduce the amount pumped from the Carmel River via a series of options. These options included:

  • Appropriating/purchasing legal rights to the water in overdraft
  • Greater reliance on the nearby Seaside Aquifer
  • Building of a new dam and/or exploration of alternative and renewable sources of fresh water such as desalination and waste water treatment.


... What elements of the biophysical system are/were involved?...

MPWMD water production graph.png

Seventy five percent of the Monterey Peninsula's water supply is pumped from the Carmel River alluvial aquifer [2]. If there is not equivalent recharge to replenish the pumped water, the water table will decrease. Irrigation along the channel of the Carmel river currently mitigates vegetation mortality and bank erosion caused by a depressed water table [3].


...What scientific studies are or would be relevant / already completed?...


...What analytical (e.g. modeling) tools were or could be used?...

Future research

...What knowledge gaps remain?...

...Suggest a CWSP MS thesis topic that could contribute to the issue...

...Suggest a topic for a hypothetical study that had unlimited resources...


  1. Order WR 95-10
  2. Carmel River Watershed: Water Supply Perspective
  3. Physical and Hydrologic Assessment of the Carmel River Watershed California


This page may contain student work completed as part of assigned coursework. It may not be accurate. It does not necessary reflect the opinion or policy of CSUMB, its staff, or students.