Tarsier Tutorial: Watershed simulation using the Marmoset Model

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  • Data
    • Carmel watershed hydro DEM
    • Precipitation series data
  • Sotware
    • Tarsier Modeling Software

Creating network data using the WatershedForm and a hydro DEM raster

  1. Open the Tarsino executable file(Tarsino.exe). If no Tarsier modules(dlls) are loaded a message box will come up, follow the instructions to load modules.
  2. Open your hydro DEM raster
    1. File->Open, navigate to your raster and click open.
  3. Create a new Watershed form
    1. File->New->Analysis->Watershed form
  4. In the Watershed form, go to the input tab. Here you see two UseeControls like the one below:
    UseeControls are one of the ways Tarsier loads and shares data, you can learn more about it here Tarsier: UseeControl
    1. Go to the HydroDEM UseeControl dropdown-box and select your hydro DEM raster.
  5. Create a pointer image(Ptr) raster.
    1. Go to the streams tab and click the Calc Ptr button.
    2. After your Ptr raster gets created go to the Ptr UseeControl and click the view button.
    3. Now save your Ptr raster
      1. Make sure the window you want to save is active (click on window)
      2. File->Save As.
      3. The Tarsier SaveDialog should come up. The top yellow box is the raster viewer file *.trv. The second box is your raster file *.tra. Go to the second box and click the browse button. Browse to an appropriate folder and give the file an appropriate name. Click the 'Save All' Button.
    4. Close the Ptr raster
  6. Calculate the streams raster
    1. You can set the threshold upslope area above which cells are considered streams by changing the value inside the Tresh box. The default is 100000000 which should work for your raster.
    2. Click the Calc stream button - this will calculate NetPtr, UpslopeArea, LnA, and Stream. This calculation takes a few seconds. View the progress at the top left of the Watershed analysis window.
    3. After your Stream raster gets created, go to the Stream UseeControl(bottom of page) and click the view button.
    4. Now save your net Ptr, Upslope Area and Stream raster
      1. View each raster individually
      2. File->Save As.
      3. The Tarsier Save Dialog should come up. The top yellow box is the raster viewer file *.trv. The second box is your raster file *.tra. Go to the second box and click the browse button. Browse to an appropriate folder and give the file an appropriate name. Click the 'Save All' Button.
    5. Close the Stream raster
  7. Go to the Basins tab and click on the Add all outlets to starting points button.
  8. Once you have a starting point you can click the Calc all basins from starting points button. This will create your network data.
  9. Landscape
    1. Assign each cell in a raster a number corresponding to certain landscape characteristics
    2. Just to get it up and running, assign each cell a value of "1"
    3. Create a raster matching your DEM entirely of value "1"
      1. In the NetData tab, in the Landscape Raster Usee control open a copy of the hydroDEM named LandscapeConst1.tra
      2. Raster -> Algebra -> Constant -> 1
    4. Open raster in "Landscape Raster:"
    5. Click "Calc landscape stats"
    6. Click "Add NetData Landscape Stats"
    7. Your Network data now has Phony landscape data. (feel free to use your own real landscape data next time)
  10. To view your network data.
    1. Go to the Network tab.
    2. Go to the NetData UseeControl and click the view button.
  11. Save your NetData
    1. File->Save As.
    2. The Tarsier Save Dialog should come up. The top yellow box is the network viewer file *.tnv. The second box is your netdata file *.tne. Go to the second box and click the browse button. Browse to an appropriate folder and give the file an appropriate name. Click the 'Save All' Button.
  12. Leave your HydroDEM and NetData open, close the Watershed form.

Viewing your network data with the 3D viewer

  1. Open the Renderer
    1. ->File ->New ->Data Views ->Render view
  2. Make and view the Carmel watershed terrain
    1. On the Raster tab (you can press the "Ctrl+Shift+R" key on your keyboard to go to this tab).
    2. Click the Make Terrain button.
    3. A UseeControlDialog dialog will come up. Your hydro DEM should still be open, click on the drop-down box and select the DEM. Alternatively if your raster is not open, click the open button and navigate to your hydro DEM raster.
    4. After the raster is loaded click the OK button to start making the Terrain. When asked, select the default name and folder for your Terrain files. Click Ok to start making the Terrain (this might take a couple minutes).
    5. Once the Terrain is created a message will come up asking if you want to load a color raster, click Yes.
    6. For the color raster we are going to use your hydroDEM, load it and then click OK.
    7. A dialog box will come up asking if you want to set the Color Scheme to RGB, since our raster is not true color click 'No'.
    8. Activate the Raster tab by clicking the check box at the upper left.
    9. If no other Terrains are loaded, Tarsier will automatically place you next to the Terrain you just created. Alternatively, you can go to the Cam 1 tab and click one of the camera icons on the left.
    10. You might notice some pink sections on your terrain. This means that there is no color data available for this section. If you want the make no data sections transparent uncheck the 'Draw nodata' checkbox in the Raster tab(upper right).
  3. Add your network data
    1. Go to the Net tab.
    2. Go to the Net Data UseeControlDialog dropdown-box and select your network data.
    3. Activate the Network tab by clicking the check box at the upper left.
    4. Change the net scaling to Width, left side of the Net tab.
    5. Change the NetworkData color scheme.
      1. Click on the C button. The color scheme window should come up.
      2. Select the RGB(true color) option(left middle).
      3. Click the OK button
  4. Go to the Time tab
    1. Go to the Time UseeControl and click on the view button.
    2. Save the Time tool
      1. File-Save As
  5. Save the RenderView
    1. File->Save As
    2. Here you want to save the *.tre file which is the Top yellow box. Go to that box and click browse. Find an appropriate folder to save your file and give it a name. Click the Save All Checked button.
  6. You can get closer to the terrain by using the flying keys. This is done by pressing the 'K' key on your keyboard. You can then use the key controls to move your point of view.

Running the Marmoset model

  1. Open the Marmoset model
    1. File->New->Model views ->Marmoset model view
  2. Go to the Usees tab
    1. Go to the Net Data UseeControl dropdown-box and select your network data.
    2. Go to the Precip series UseeControl and click open. Navigate to your Salinas timeSeries.
    3. Go to the Model time UseeControl, using the drop down list open the same time file as in your render view form. click view.
    4. Go to the Control tab and click on the Match ModelTime to Precip Series button.
    5. Go to the Geomorphology tab in the Marmoset window, check "use full geometry", click "estimate channel geometry
    6. Arrange your windows so that you can see the RenderView's paintbox and the Timetool
    7. Go to the Rec tab and check the Auto record directly to vid\folder checkbox.
    8. Go to the Timetool and click the play button (4th button from the right)