Making an agent move along a path of X,Y,T data

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This is a step by step for converting a set of X,Y,T data points into a flight path for an agent.

We will assume that you have an Excel spreadsheet with a column for Easting, Northing, and Time.

Step1. In Tarsino, create a new .tsd

 ->File ->New ->Data Views ->Sites editor

Step2. Edit the Sites data properties.

 ->Sites data ->Properties...
 Set to -3 dimensions (E, N, T)

Step3. In the Sites editor window ->Add site.

Step4. Save the .tsd.

Step5. Open the .tsd using notepad. You can use the format for the previously added site to see what Tarsino expects the data to look like in order to import.

Step6. Create an export column in Excel (see exporting data from Excel). As you can see, the -3 dimension .tsd file requires five sets of numbers separated by spaces (Easting, Northing, Zone, Time, and Value). Your spreadsheet supplies three of these. The Zone and Value can be added into the export column via the formula (e.g. =RC[-2]&" "&RC[-3]&" 10 "&RC[-4]&" 1"). Make sure the value number is the same for all points and a non-zero, positive integer.

Step7. Copy the export column into the .tsd via notepad and save.

Step8. Open the .tsd in Tarsino and check to make sure everything imported correctly.

Step9. Export to Sites data to Agency data.

  ->Sites data ->Export to agents...

Step10. Set the agency group using the value parameter.

  ->Agency ->Auto assign groups from values

Step11. Customization. You will now need to set up the agent as you like. Most important is to set the type globally.

  ->Agency ->Set parameter globally...