Urban Discharges to Areas of Special Biological Significance on Monterey Peninsula

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A watershed-related issue examined by the ENVS 560/L Watershed Systems class at CSUMB.


In the 1974, thirty-four California coastal regions were designated by the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) as Areas of Special Biological Significance (ASBS). The goal of the ASBS was to preserve unique and sensitive marine ecosystems.[1] Monterey County possesses two ASBS: Carmel Bay and Pacific Grove, within which are the Pacific Grove Marine Gardens Fish Refuge and the Hopkins Marine life Refuge.

Storm discharge is urban surface runoff. It can originate from golf courses, homes, businesses, industry and roads. Storm water usually collects in catch basins and drain inlets and is then funneled away to point sources where it is discharged, uncleaned/sanitized, into the ocean. Under the original California Ocean Plan the SWRCB prohibited the discharge of pollution into ASBS (storm discharge was not considered a source of pollution at the time). But in 19--, stormwater discharge permits became a requirement, and fines for non compliance became an actuality. However, the towns of Monterey, Pacific Grove, Pebble Beach and Carmel to this day collectively discharge their stormwater into their respective ASBS. Currently, there are 348 discharges into the Carmel Bay ASBS, and 246 discharges into the Pacific Grove ASBS. [2]

Officials from Monterey Peninsula cities have been reluctant to comply with the state mandate, contending that zero discharge is economically unreasonable and lacks scientific basis. Municipalities and agencies on the peninsula have all filed for exemption from discharge prohibition. The exemption permit requires no alteration to the natural water quality of the ASBS and places the burden on the cities to prove no waste is entering the ASBS. In March 2008, SWRCB weakened the prohibiton of discharges by 'grandfathering' in existing stormwater outfalls constructed prior to 2005. [3]


Carmel Bay ASBS includes 6.2 miles of coastline from Pescadero Point to Granite Point and contains Carmel Bay State Marine Reserve and is adjacent to Point Lobos. The watershed for Carmel Bay ASBS includes the city of Carmel and extends into the Carmel Valley watershed. Pacific Grove ASBS includes 3.2 miles of coastline surrounding the city of Pacific Grove and contains Pacific Grove Marine Gardens Fish Refuge and Hopkins Marine Life Refuge. Pacific Grove lies within the Pacific Grove/Marina watershed. Discharges from Monterey and Pebble Beach are also affected. [1]

Resource/s at stake

  • Urban stormater runoff is the largest source of coastal pollution[2]. Urban stormwater runoff picks up pollutants such as pathogens, heavy metals, nutrients, oil and grease, pesticides, sediments, toxic chemicals and trash from a variety of urban sources including lawns, golf courses, roads, vehicles, domestic animals and industry.
  • Carmel Bay ASBS is a highly productive marine ecosystem including rare species of deep water marine invertebrates and endangered sea otter[3]. Pacific Grove ASBS is rich in tide pools and kelp forest, important for supporting fish populations[4]. The Hopkins Marine reserve is a no take area, important for supporting fish diversity and scientific research[5].
  • The Central Coast Ambiant Monitoring Program has observed high levels of coliform in Carmel Bay ASBS, as well as chloride, dissolved solids and sulfate levels which exceed water quality standards[6]. High levels of silt and nutrient pollution threaten coral that reside in Carmel Bay. Thirty-four percent (34%) of sea otters tested in the region were infected with the parasite toxoplasmosis, associated with cat feces and with high levels of sea otter mortality. Shellfish from Pacific Grove ASBS contain elevated levels of heavy metals.
  • Economic resources are at stake also. Some municipalities contend they do not have the economic or scientific resources to meet monitoring requirements[7]. The City of Pacific Grove has implemented an urban runoff diversion project to collect dry weather flows into the sewer system. The feasibility of capturing wet weather flows, treating and recycling stormwater for irrigation is currently being investigated. It is likely to require substantial investment. In 2006, SWRCB appointed ASBS task force and was given $35 million of Proposition 84 funds to assist local public agencies comply with discharge prohibition into ASBS.


The cities of Pacific Grove and Carmel are major stake holders directly effected by ASBS designation and State Water Resources Control Board enforcement. The City of Monterey and Pebble Beach Corporation are also stakeholders. Monterey Marine Sanctuary, local fisheries, coastal tourism and organizations such as Ocean Conservancy, Monterey Coastkeeper, Surf Rider Foundation and Friends of the Otter have an interest in coastal urban runoff and its effects.

Laws, policies, & regulations

In 1974 SWRCB designates 34 coastal marine locations Areas of Special Biological Significance (ASBS) and prohibits pollution discharges to these areas. 1987 Federal Clean Water Act Ammendment requires every city to draft and implement Stormwater Management Plans and apply for discharge permits. 2001 California Ocean Plan provides coastal discharge limits and requires elimination of non point source discharge into ASBS. In March 2008, SWRCB issued a draft for special protection for selected stormwater and non point source discharges into ASBS. Due to overlap between ASBS and marine protected areas, the Marine Life Protection Act may be used in the future to protect the health of Marine Protected Areas. [4]


Growing coastal populations increase land development and water use in the watershed. Increased impervious surfaces increase stormwater quantity and pollutant loads by decreasing perculation of rainfall and reducing biofiltration of pollutants in the soil. Use of Best Management Practices BMPs are required by municipal stormwater management plans to mitigate increases in pollutant loads. Factors effecting quality of urban runoff include effectiveness of erosion control to mitigate sediment loads, particularly at construction sites; use and timing of pesticide and fertilizer applications to lawns, gardens and golf courses- high nutrient loads may stimulate algal blooms in receiving waters; location and use of roads effects hydrocarbon and metal loads in 'first flush' stormwater; industry effects include heavy metals and toxic chemical loads; pet litter pick up and disposal effects pathogen loads; illegal dumping in stormwater drains- public education plays an important role.


State Mussel Watch Program results for ASBS monitoring from 1977-2003 showed increased levels of lead and zinc in Pacific Grove ASBS.[5] a number of studies link California sea otter mortality with Toxoplasma gondi, a protozan diease spread by cat feces.[6] More scientific studies needed to link urban runoff with marine ecosystem issues. More studies needed to link BMPs with reduction in runoff pollutants.

Scientific Tools

Modeling tools can be used to estimate impacts of increasing coastal populations, increased imperviousness, mitigation techniques on stormwater runoff volume and pollutant loads. Monitoring tools are used to measure impacts of runoff on the marine ecosystem.

Future research

  • Knowledge gaps include a base line for what constitutes 'natural water conditions' in the ASBS areas. Wthout a baseline it is difficult to determine anthropogenic effects on the system. More monitoring data is needed. Long term chemical and biological impacts of urban runoff on marine ecosystems systems need further study, particularly in the intertidal zone where impacts are most likely.
  • To aid in reduction of urban runoff, A MS research thesis could model effectiveness of Low Impact Development BMPs (rainwater harvesting, vegetative swales, bioretention ponds, treatment wetlands,permeable pavements) to improve stormwater quality and quantity. With unlimited resources, this study would implement LID BMP retrofits in the watersheds and conduct continuous monitoring of discharges.
  • Additionally, created wetlands have been proven effective in mitigating many of the pollutants associated with stormwater runoff and the effectiveness and feasibility of a wetland area for both Pacific Grove and Carmel could be undertaken as an MS thesis.

Notes and References

  1. Need source
  2. Need source
  3. Need source
  4. Need source
  5. Need source
  6. Need source
  7. Need source
  1. Map of ASBS- http://www.swrcb.ca.gov/water_issues/programs/ocean/docs/asbs/asbs_areas/asbs_swqpa_publication03.pdf
  2. http://www.swrcb.ca.gov/water_issues/programs/ocean/docs/asbs/status_report_aug06.pdf
  3. http://www.swrcb.ca.gov/water_issues/programs/ocean/docs/asbs/draft_special_protections.pdf
  4. http://cacoastkeeper.org/areas-of-special-biological-significance.php?PHPSESSID=d24de330b763781e0bdce1509e965ff2
  5. http://www.swrcb.ca.gov/water_issues/programs/ocean/docs/asbs/status_report_aug06.pdf
  6. http://www.otterproject.org/atf/cf/%7B1032ABCB-19F9-4CB6-8364-2F74F73B3013%7D/conrad%20transmission%20of%20toxo%20clues%20from%20sea%20otters%20IJP%2005.pdf
  7. Map of Pacific Grove, Carmel and Point Lobos ASBS: http://www.mpwmd.dst.ca.us/Mbay_IRWM/2005_Planning_Grant/Application/FAAST/Att3_PG_WorkPlan_4ofTotal4_MAP.pdf



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