Salinas Valley Seawater Intrusion

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A watershed-related issue examined by the ENVS 560/L Watershed Systems class at CSUMB.


Seawater intrusion into the Salinas Valley groundwater aquifers has advanced since it was first measured in 1944 1. Currently, elevated salinity level have been recorded less than 1/2 miles from the City of Salinas at the 180 ft. aquifer [1] and is beginning to encroach beyond the city limits of Castroville at the 400 ft aquifer [2]. The saltwater intrusion has continued to move farther inland because continuing overdraft conditions for municipal and agricultural uses.


The Salinas Valley watershed lies within the boundaries of Monterey County, California. Within the boundaries of the Salinas Valley Watershed [3] lies it's groundwater aquifer system which is comprised of four major groundwater aquifers; the Upper Valley, Forebay, East Side, and Pressure 180 [4]. These aquifers create an interconnected underground water system that supplies the bulk of the irrigation and municipal water usage in the Salinas Valley.

Resource/s at stake

Groundwater resources for the Northern end of the Salinas Valley are severely impacted. Although all four groundwater aquifers are hydraulically interconnected, the Pressure aquifer at the front of the Northern end of the watershed is most severely impacted.


This problem involves a large group of stakeholders with a divers set of interests. At the southern end of the Salinas Valley aquifer you have the businesses and communities surrounding Lake Nacimiento [5], which rely on the lakes recreational use economically. All the municipalities that lie within the Salinas Valley watershed, including the unincorporated area residents, rely on the aquifers for their drinking water. The Monterey County Water Resources Agencies, is charged with monitoring and mitigating the saltwater intrusion. Finally, the agricultural community, the largest employer when considering both on and off farm supporting businesses, rely on the groundwater resources for irrigating their crops.

Laws, policies, & regulations

Currently, groundwater resources are unregulated. The Monterey County Water Resource Agency monitors groundwater quality and levels but has little authority in regulating groundwater extraction. IN 1961, Nacimiento Dam was completed to supply irrigation water to the Salinas Valley agricultural community and to recharge the aquifers. Attempts to change structural and operational practices at the dam has meet sever local opposition resulting in several lawsuits.(1)


Once saltwater intrusion begins, it is irreversible. Our best hope is to stop its current progress and to modify our use of this resource so it will not continue in the future. Saltwater intrusion effects drinking and irrigation water quality, forcing some to search for alternative sources when the salinity of the water exceeds appropriate water quality standards. If salt levels are to high, the water becomes unpalatable for human consumption. Irrigation using water with high levels of salt will damage crops and soil health reducing future use of the land for agriculture.


The Watsonville Water Recycling Project, uses municipal recycled water in irrigation of crops near the front of the saltwater intrusion. This was the result of a large scale study to mitigate saltwater intrusion by creating a fresh water shield between the Monterey Bay Sanctuary and the 150 ft aquifer. Irrigation efficiency studies have been, and are continuing, to help reduce agricultural impact by reducing the quantity of water being extracted.


Since groundwater is utilized by all within the Salinas Valley, there are is a vary large group of stakeholders with different interests. The Monterey County Water Resources Agency [6]is the governmental agency closest to the actually monitoring and mitigating saltwater intrusion. Other stakeholders are the municipalities of Salinas[7], Castroville[8], Marina[9], which are directly effected. The agricultural community also has a strong vested interest for the aquifer is the primary supply for irrigation water [10].

Future research

How this system works is understood fairly well. What is missing is the knowledge of exact quantity of water is being extracted. If resources was not an issue, metering all agricultural wells to measure the exact quantity of water is being extracted and link this information to the crop that was irrigated would be good start. This would assist agencies such as the University of California Co-Operative Extension, National Resource Conservation District, California Resource Conservation District and others to focus on educational outreach to growers on how to maximize their irrigation efficiency.


(1)Monterey County Water Resources Agency,22 Jan. 2009 <>. (2)Monterey County Water Resources Agency. Quarterly Ground Water Levels. <> March 2006.


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