Range of the Condor National Heritage Area

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A organizational summary by the ENVS 560/L Watershed Systems class at CSUMB.


The Range of the Condor National Heritage Area is a proposed new National Heritage Area (NHA) spanning an area defined by the current range of the California Condor.

This NHA designation would facilitate collaboration between stakeholders (including government agencies and non-governmental organizations) for preservation, maintenance, project planning, and other land management duties throughout the area. NHAs also receive advising from the National Park Service (NPS) on technical and planning issues, as well as limited financial assistance.


The vision for the Range of the Condor National Heritage Area includes all the traditional benefits NHAs confer to a region, in addition to novel benefits at this particular area, including:

  • Preservation of habitat, especially for animals significant to the area's heritage like California Condors.
  • Continuity between the Range of the Condor NHA and adjacent protected lands and coastal waters, offering exciting opportunities for research and recreation across uninterrupted wildlands, from the mountains to the sea.
  • Increased public access to land via new and improved trails, educational programs, and more.
  • Bolstered economic activity and jobs, from eco-tourism and new project development, throughout the region.
  • Public education on wildfire, fostering a new public attitude towards fires and fire management.
  • Completion of The Condor Trail, which could be an iconic feature of the NHA and California itself.
  • Construction of a 'University Trail' running between state universities in Monterey Bay and San Luis Obispo.

Function and Operation

NHAs across the country differ in their operational structure. The NHA designation by Congress doesn't dictate a specific organizational hierarchy; only the oversight role of the National Park Service. Thus, new NHAs can look to existing areas for organizational blueprints, in addition to developing their own system that works locally. Some components which have been common across NHAs are listed within the comparative table of selected National Heritage Areas.

NHA operations are typically spearheaded by a local coordinating entity (LCE), which acts as the public face of the NHA, takes a lead role in coordination, and develops the required heritage area management plan. One potential candidate organization to serve as the LCE for the Range of the Condor NHA is the Conservancy for the Range of the Condor, having originally proposed the NHA.

The creation of NHA's generally requires cooperation between multiple agencies, which may be established through a Memorandum of Understanding, Memorandum of Agreement, or a Joint Powers Agreement. These agreements would be between the NPS, the local management entities, and the main LCE of the NHA. MOU agreements have been used to create other NHAs in the United States, such as the Mormon Pioneer NHA and the Great Basin NHA [1]. In the California Central Coast Region, other agency agreements have been created using JPAs, such as the Monterey Peninsula Regional Water Authority (MPRWA), which was created to aid in the over-drafting of water from the Carmel River [2].

Types of NHA Management

There are two general ways National Heritage Areas are created, where the LCE is either a non-profit institution or a government agency. The established precedent of National Heritage Areas (NHA) creation is generally started from the local and community levels, making the non-profit organizations the most common LCE choice for NHA oversight [3]. The establishment of these areas is discussed on the National Heritage Areas (NHA) page. The responsibilities of the determined LCE for each Heritage Area include creating management plans for the designated region, finding external budget funding resources (other than the NPS), and directing cooperation between agencies that manage properties within the Heritage Area.

Examples of responsibilities of LCE managing a NHA[4]

  • Promoting heritage-based tourism within the area
  • Developing educational programs based on the historical context of the region
  • Restoration and conservation of the Heritage area
  • Rehabilitating historic buildings
Non-Profit LCE

The Conservancy for the Range of the Condor, a non-profit institution, proposed the Range of the Condor NHA and may be a sensible choice for the LCE following the establishment of previous National Heritage Areas summarized by the Comparative table of selected National Heritage Areas.

NHAs also managed by non-profits include:

State or Federal LCE

The greatest amount of land in the proposed Range of the Condor NHA is operated by Federal agencies, but due to the NPS involvement in the oversight of national heritage areas, having a federal agency be the LCE of the Range of the Condor NHA may lead to management issues with two federal entities attempting to oversee the area. The California Department of Fish and Wildlife would then be a sensible choice to manage the Range of the Condor NHA if a State or Local government agency was to be the main management entity. The CDFW is responsible for monitoring numerous endangered species in the State of California and they are the main wildlife managers of California's Tule Elk herds. The CDFW is also the agency that works with the U.S Army to manage hunting and fishing on Army bases, such as Fort Hunter Liggett. The CDFW has prior communicative set-ups between agencies that would make them a wise option for managing an NHA such as the Range of the California Condor.

NHAs also managed by State and Federal institutions:

Key Partners

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There are many organizations that manage land and wildlife within the proposed Range of the Condor National Heritage Area. These organizations and their potential roles are summarized below, with further details tabulated in a separate page.

National Park Service (NPS)
The NPS manages around 513,148 acres of land within what would be the proposed Range of the Condor NHA. Parks within this management area include Pinnacles National Park, Channel Islands National Park, Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks (SEKI), Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area, César E. Chávez National Monument.
Bureau of Land Management (BLM)
BLM administers over 85,000 acres of habitat conservation areas and other public lands in the Central Coast region, including Fort Ord National Monument (FONM), California Coastal National Monument (CCNM), Carrizo Plain National Monument, and Clear Creek Management Area (CCMA). The National Monuments and Special Management Areas are located in geographically important habitats for the historic range of the California Condor and as a result, would be key additions to the Range of the Condor NHA.
US Fish and Wildlife Service
Since 1992, USFWS has operated the California Condor Recovery Program, which breeds and reintroduces condors to the wild. The USFWS has also operates designated critical habitat for the California Tiger Salamander, and the Pacific Southwest Region office has worked with state agencies to create a species recovery plan starting in 2017. Due to its involvement in the California Condor Recovery Program, and its role in Central Coast conservation and management, the USFWS would be a strong partner for the Range of the Condor NHA.
United States Forest Service (USFS)
The USFS manages the various National Forests that would potentially reside in the Range of the Condor NHA. These forests include Los Padres National Forest (LPNF), located in Southern and Central Coastal California, and as of 2014,103 California Condors were surveyed in LPNF [6]. Additionally, within the southern region of LPNF lies the Sespe Condor Sanctuary which provides a critical protected habitat for the California Condor.
United States Army
The Department of Defense's Army Department owns and manages over 223,201 acres of land in the California Central Coast Region that would potentially fall within the Range of the Condor NHA. This land is primarily used for the training and education of members of the U.S. Army. The Department of Defense and the The Conservation Fund have partnered to prevent residential encroachment near military boundaries, create buffer projects to preserve habitat, provide supportive education, and assist with regional planning. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is also the leading federal agency pursuing civil works projects ranging from flood control to ecosystem restoration and has a significant reach and impact on the nation's natural resources and aquatic ecosystems. It oversees thousands of civil works projects and the Clean Water Act 404 Regulatory Program [7]. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers may be an organizational partner in coordinating the management of the NHA with the U.S. Army and other agencies.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) 
NOAA manages over 7,500 square miles of coastal ocean along the Central Coast within the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary and Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary. These marine sanctuaries exemplify the strong connection between California's Central Coast region and protection of the natural environment, and they generate large amounts of tourism and recreational revenue by drawing interest to the beauty of this region. NOAA conducts large-scale research and monitoring programs along the coast, and collaborates with many local research institutions and organizations to promote environmental stewardship and future resiliency.
The NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) also manages commercial and recreational fisheries within the Central Coast region and is responsible for issuing permits related to the Endangered Species Act. NMFS coordinates with Regional Fishery Management Councils and other local partners, funds fisheries research, and provides jobs to many coastal-dependent communities.
Native American Tribes
The California Condor has been an important symbol that represents the wilderness heritage of the state. It has been regarded as the "most impressive and majestic flying bird in North America," and has captured the attention of Native peoples throughout its history[8]. The proposed Range of the Condor National Heritage Area would span at least a dozen different pre-contact tribal lands [9], as well as the modern Santa Ynez, Tule River, and San Manuel reservations [10]. Archaeologists have found evidence to suggest the use of California Condors during rituals of early peoples in California [11]. Other ceremonies included dancers wearing capes of condor skins and feathers [12]. Some Native peoples believed condors could "infuse" them with special powers [13]. Because of their extraordinary eyesight, some tribes within the California central coast region believed wearing cloaks of condor feathers would grant them powers to find lost valuables and people [14].
California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) 


The Range of the Condor National Heritage Area is proposed by the Conservancy for the Range of the Condor and former Congressman Sam Farr.



  1. https://www-jstor-org.csumb.idm.oclc.org/stable/10.5406/utahhistquar.88.2.0129?seq=1
  2. https://monterey.org/MPRWA-Hosted-Archive/The-Authority
  3. https://fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/RL33462.pdf
  4. https://www.visittucson.org/visit/about/santa-cruz-valley-national-heritage-area
  5. https://www.visittucson.org/visit/about/santa-cruz-valley-national-heritage-area
  6. Los Padres Forest Watch https://lpfw.org/our-region/wildlife/california-condor/
  7. U.S. Department of Defense. The Conservation Fund. [Cited March 2021]
  8. Reference text https://www.parks.ca.gov/?page_id=23527
  9. California Tribal Communities https://aimfireriversideca.tripod.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/calprecontact.gif
  10. California Tribal Lands https://www3.epa.gov/region9/air/maps/ca_tribe.html
  11. Reference text https://www.parks.ca.gov/?page_id=23527
  12. Reference text https://www.parks.ca.gov/?page_id=23527
  13. Reference text https://www.parks.ca.gov/?page_id=23527
  14. Reference text https://www.parks.ca.gov/?page_id=23527


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